
Hvidovre has four evangelical lutheran churches, a roman catholic church and a mosque.

Hvidovre is a diverse municipality where different religious faiths exist side by side. Hvidovre has four evangelical lutheran churches, a roman catholic church and a mosque.

Hvidovre Kirke (evangelical lutheran church)
Hvidovre Kirkeplads 3
2650 Hvidovre
Telephone: (+45) 36 75 55 05

Risbjerg Kirke (evangelical lutheran church)
Kirkegade 2
2650 Hvidovre
Telephone: (+45) 36 75 15 08

Strandmarkskirken (evangelical lutheran church)
Strandmarksvej 38
2650 Hvidovre
Telephone: (+45) 36 78 20 06

Avedøre Kirke (evangelical lutheran church)
Trædrejerporten 6
2650 Hvidovre
Telephone: (+45) 21 16 25 07

Skt. Nikolaj Kirke (roman catholic church)
Strøbyvej 2
2650 Hvidovre

Nusrat Djahan Moské (mosque)
Eriksminde Allé 2
2650 Hvidovre
Telephone: (+45) 36 75 35 02 / 36 75 78 69